Welcome, Jacqueline Victoria Chmiel!Jackie was born October 31, 2003 at 12:48pm. She was weighed in at 7 pounds, 7 ounces. She was measured at 19 1/4 inches. She is an absolutely beautiful baby girl, as you can see in the pictures. Yes, Jackie is a Halloween Baby! What a treat for the proud parents. She was born in Santa Ana, not far from our house. To the parent's relief, the State of California has already acknowledged the the adoption. However, it won't be final until some time in 2004. Of course, Jackie gets her own web site, and so without further ado, are the "best of" photos. Can't do them all, even you high speed people would take a long time to download them! We've combined Jackie and Max photos, so to see newest photos, click here: These are a few older photos photos below. Note: Click any picture to see the whole photo. They are rather large for the time being, but they can be printed since they are full resolution. Note: Download Internet Explorer 6 to view them better, it sizes them to fit your screen. See Jackie's 3rd Birthday Video here! |