Max Photos #2

Note: Click any picture to see the whole photo. They are rather large for the time being, but they can be printed since they are full resolution. Dad is working a program to take care of this. Note: if you have Internet Explorer, upgrade to version 6 and they will display correctly. (


Hi everybody! I'm cute aren't I ?!!?!?! 120-2070_IMG.JPG (401316 bytes)
120-2013_IMG.JPG (817486 bytes) Max's First Boat ride! 3 weeks old. Dad made a special attachment for his car seat.
Max relaxing on the boat at Catalina. That's right, he went to Catalina at 5 weeks old. Isn't he stylish in his life jacket! 120-2021_IMG.JPG (849013 bytes)
120-2027_IMG.JPG (683166 bytes) Max playing with Mom at the Two harbors, Catalina Island playground.
Mom's already having me sleep with the Deezel 120-2096_IMG.JPG (556156 bytes)
120-2089_IMG.JPG (543778 bytes) Here's my God parents, Andrew and Karen with Mom and Dad at my baby shower given by cousin Janet and Hugh.

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