Not flesh of my flesh Nor bone of my bone Still miraculously my own Never forget for a minute You grew not under my heart But
in it
June 20, 2002 7:03 p.m. 7 pounds 2 ounces 19 inches |
morning I wake with a smile on my face.
I enjoy everyday learning and loving life with my family. I am very easy going, sociable and love to
be on the go. To date I sit up, crawl
backwards, grab at things and my newest language is blowing out my lips. I just love seeing my drool move all around
the room. Especially love seeing my
sweet potatoes and bananas fly out my mouth.
sure next year I’ll have a lot more to say.
Until then enjoy your family and have a great and prosperous new year!
I love
my Daddy! He lets me watch football, which I really like to watch. All those
guys running around – can’t wait ‘till I can. Daddy also takes care of me. I
can’t believe I can get him to change my diapers and feed me! He even takes me
to “Taco Tuesdays” at the local restaurant. I sure like all the attention we
get! OK, gotta go. I will be talking atcha next year.
is a dream come true. I often say Ed
and I couldn’t have made a baby more perfect.
He is truly what everyone would want and love. I guess you can say, my faith in the Lord has been renewed. I thank God several times a day for our
healthy little boy!
want to take this time to thank each and every one of you. Ed and I believe we could not have achieved
our goal alone. We appreciate all our
friends and family’s support through the years. WE DID IT! We completed
forming our family.
Max wants me to add he wants a little sister.
Okay will get right on that, as soon as we move into our house. I’ll have Ed fill everyone in on that.
I want everyone to know I’ve joined the 40 something club. Ed threw me a surprise 40th
birthday party in Las Vegas. He really knows how to make me feel
special. We had a great time
celebrating with friends and family.
this special time with your family and friends. May the Holiday season bring you memories for a lifetime.
big events this year focused around Max. I never imagined how much fun it could
be. Truly enjoy him and thank God for him and the fact that he is healthy and
pretty much same as usual, so not much there. Boating, well, we had our chance
to live aboard as we got caught between houses. Turns out its not much fun when
you have to do it (as opposed to wanting to do it). The baby did fine, but the
dog got pretty tired of it. I only recommend live aboard for retirees and only
in warm, tropical waters!